Starting From Scratch – Private Link

Hello! Below are links to my first online course, Starting From Scratch.

The creation of this course was inspired by a question that I get asked frequently by new artists in my one-on-one coaching sessions, “If you were to start your career over again from right now, what would you do?”

I realized that after answering this question dozens of times, that there is a bigger need for this information and that I could help more people.  So I set out on a path to create this course.

The purpose of the course is to give new or up-and-coming artists a plan that is easy to follow and implement to jumpstart their careers.  This is done with the introduction of system that emphasizes four areas of focus, where each area leads naturally into the next, and can be applied to everything they do.

Some quick notes before watching:

  • The course worksheet is HERE
  • This course is about 1 hour and 15 minutes long.
  • The four main sections are about 15-18 minutes each, but will be broken down into smaller modules when the course is released.

00 Introduction (2:27)



01 High Output (19:06)

02 Content Creation (18:59)


03 Local Presence (18:06)

04 Social Media (15:37)

05 Bringing It Together (10:15)

Coming soon…


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