Online Store Fixes and Updates
Hello everybody. This post is to make everyone aware that we are currently fixing some minor issues on the webstore. Depending on when you log onto the store and what you purchase, you may or may not notice the following things:
Ground Shipping Calculation For Smaller Packages
Several months ago, USPS did away with their first class mail service, which was their cheapest service and add a new ground shipping service. The removal of first class impacted our shipping module and many others, which began to only offer priority shipping. This increased the cost of shipping as it was the only option. This has been fixed and now the new ground shipping option, which is cheaper than priority, is now available at checkout for smaller packages. If you experience any further issues with this, please let us know via the contact page.
Digital Downloads
Several digital downloads (most notably PDF books) have not been available to purchase from the store for several months due to errors in their delivery to several customers that caused download links to be sent manually. This issue has been resolved. PDF books and all digital downloads will start appearing in the store again over the next several days. If you experience any further issues with this, please let us know via the contact page.
False Cancelled Orders for Vigilante Genesis EP
In our attempts to resolve the digital download issue, several customers were sent messages saying their 2017 order of Vigilante Genesis EP has been cancelled, even though their orders had been filled back in 2017. If you were one of those customers who was emailed about this, we apologize for this confusion and are trying to figure out why these already completed orders from so long ago would receive this message today. If you experience any further issues with this, please let us know via the contact page.
We ask for your patience as we continue to improve the website to better serve you.
Thanks for your support,